Present, engaging, and providing structure with clear expectations for every student.
Stacey Lee Russell, DMA
Musician, Online Educator, Instructional Designer
Take a look at Dr. Russell’s course!
Dr. Russell’s Instructor video on Rhythm/Meter, for Spring 2024!
What does a typical online music course designed by Dr. Stacey Russell look like? Check out Fundamentals of Music Theory in this video.
Value #1:
Instructor Presence
Studies show that greater faculty engagement and presence positively impact student retention and satisfaction.
I want my students to know that I’m an actual person, and have a face with a name.
Value #2:
Student Engagement
My music classes provide many opportunities for students to engage with their peers and step outside their comfort zones.
Value #3:
Structure & Clear Expectations
Students succeed when there is structure and clear expectations. I am consistent: the layout is the same every week, the expectations are the same, and I do what I say I will do.

What’s New?
Check out what I’ve been up to recently!