Instructor Presence
Welcome Video.
Most of the world felt isolated and disconnected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online students felt these emotions as well, perhaps even compounded! Studies have shown that greater faculty engagement and presence can have a positive impact on student retention and satisfaction in the online setting.
I wanted my students to know that I was an actual person, not a cold entity that gives them grades. I invested extra effort to make my presence known in the course and share various aspects of myself to make connections with my students.
Week One starts with an Instructor introduction video. I talk about my favorite food, hobbies, and my dog Kiwi makes an appearance. Students know about me, and make it a point to show their animals in video responses throughout the semester, or comment on how poorly my favorite sports team is fairing.
Announcement emails.
Students receive announcement emails from me two times a week, Monday morning and Sunday afternoon. Monday morning emails introduce the content for the week, the homework due on Sunday, and various musical selections to pique their curiosity.
Sunday afternoon emails remind students of the items due that night at midnight. They also include a new dad joke each week. Students seem to appreciate the joke-of-the-week, and mention them in Course Evaluations!
“Welcome to Music Appreciation!” YouTube, uploaded by Dr. Stacey Russell, 1 July 2022,